Opening Your Heart (Free Meditation)

We are all connected through the eternal spirit of oneness. Richard Wagamese reminds us in his book, One Drum, that when we first arrive in this world from our mother’s womb, one of the first things we do is cry. We cry in our longing to be reconnected to that place of oneness from which we originated.

 I believe our life journey on the planet is to reconnect with the oneness we came from and perhaps know it more consciously in a new and deeper way.

 I believe this oneness is unconditional love.

 I was recently inspired to create a new loving kindness metta meditation to re-align with the oneness from which we all came.

 It has been proven that energy flows where your attention goes. What we choose to focus on in our mind, expands.

 All matter in our world is made up of atomic particles. If you break an atom down to its core molecular structure, 99.9999999% is not physical matter, but instead, energy..a.k.a. pure consciousness, oneness.

 When we...

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Flow Life Retreat at Multiversity

For many years, I tuned into Hay House Radio each week to listen to my mentor, Dr. Wayne Dyer give advice to callers. It was one of my favourite hours of the week as I would listen to the conversations Wayne would have with each person, offering them encouragement, divine guidance, love and support. By the end of each call, I could hear that transformation and positive change had taken place.
Change & Transformation
This is one of the aspects of life that I am most passionate about; change and transformation. One thing is for certain, everything is always changing. How we choose to respond to the ever changing circumstances that life presents to us has a major affect on the quality of life that we are living. Are you a victim of circumstance or victorious in each situation you encounter? How do you go about navigating your life? Are you living towards life purpose or playing small in a place of false safety? Is life running you down or are you running life? 
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mindfulness online course Mar 13, 2019

I launched an online course on mindfulness this past November. I spent so much time working on it and invested a lot of energy and money into making sure it was put together properly. I truly poured my heart into the project.

As I came to the completion of the project and got ready to launch it to the community, I felt myself becoming more and more anxious. Although I wasn’t full aware of this at the time, I look back and notice that thoughts such as, “what if this fails”, “what if it is not good enough”, “what if not one takes the course” were playing out in my mind. There were a few nights that I could not fall asleep as my thoughts kept me awake well into the night, worrying and stressing about if I had done the right thing, if I would make a return on my investment and so on. To say I was anxious and stressed out would be an understatement. My body was tight and my mind was restless.

When it came time to lunch the initial course, I told...

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WINNIPEG: Book Launch at McNally Robinson

Book Launch in WINNIPEG, MB.

Join me, Tuesday, December 4 at 7:00 pm 

McNally Robinson | 1120 Grant Ave

Join me in the McNally Robinson atrium where I'll be sharing stories from my book, a few tunes and some laughs.

Be sure to bring your copy of Making Sense of Mindfulness for me to sign or pick up a copy (or two) on site.

PS they make an excellent holiday gift and I'll be there to help you personalize!

This is a non-ticketed event. See you Tuesday night.

Love, Keith

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Where to buy Making Sense of Mindfulness

Where to Buy: Making Sense of Mindfulness




In Person:

The following locations keep Making Sense of Mindfulness on their shelves. The copies are often signed by me, Keith Macpherson! If you require multiple copies or a bulk order please call ahead to avoid disappointment or connect with me direct. 


Tergesens - 82 1 Ave


Pineridge Hollow67086 Heatherdale Road


Chocolatier Constance Popp - 180 Provencher

Float Calm Winnipeg - 337C Pembina

McNally Robinson Booksellers - 1120 Grant Ave

Radiance Gifts - 7-875 Corydon


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Making Sense of Mindfulness: Morgan James Publishing Launch

As you may have heard, my new book, Making Sense of Mindfulness, is releasing in book stores this week!

Many people have asked how they can help, thank you!

Here are 3 ways to show your support this week:

1. On release day (Thursday) you can buy a copy of my book from any bookstore (online or in-person).  Or if you have a pre-release copy, post a review of it!

2. Help me get the buzz going: On Thursday, Nov 8 at 2:00 pm CST, my publisher, Morgan James Publishing, is hosting a free online launch party featuring me along with some other amazing authors and I need you to register.

We’ll be giving away links to all our books to everyone who attends, as well as a bunch of freebies! Register for the party (and hopefully come to it!)?
I know time zones can be confusing and that everyone is busy so don’t worry if you can’t be there live. Register anyway and you’ll get a recording.

Be a part of my Virtual Book Launch Party and register right here: ...

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Practice Love On

My friend Dave is one of the most positive and innovative people I know. I often joke his blood type is "Be Positive". Dave is someone who truly lights up any room he walks in by his positive spirit and presence. Around the time I was working on the writing of my new album, Shine, I was having a conversation with Dave and asked him what he was up to? He told me he was on his way to a family dinner to “love on” his uncle. Little did I know this would lead to one of the album tracks on the new release.


Up until this point I had never heard of the practice “love on”. After my conversation with Dave I learned that “love on” is a common tradition in his family, whereby each family member gets honoured on their birthday and/or special occasions by having a dinner in their honour and affirmed that they are unique, special, and loved.


As I write this, I am also reminded of a few winters ago when my family gathered together to celebrate the...

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Pre-Order Making Sense of Mindfulness

book mindfulness pre-order Oct 11, 2018

Learn five principals to integrate mindfulness practice into your daily life in my new book, Making Sense of Mindfulness.

Help make this book a best seller and pre-order a copy on Amazon and ChaptersIndigo today! 

Official release date late November 2018. 

Mindfulness has become a major buzzword in culture today, and yet very few people understand what this word actually means and how to integrate this practice into their daily lives. In a world filled with noise and distractionsā€•including cell phones, millions of advertisements, and increasing pressure to do more, be more, get more, and make moreā€•it is no wonder there is an alarming increase of anxiety and depression cases reported. 

Making Sense of Mindfulness can help you learn the tools you need to counter the external pressures of daily life and provide you with steps on how to create the life that you want.

Love, Keith

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Back to Balance: Live Mind-Fully Aware

The transition of going back to school and work can sometimes be challenging in that many of us fall out of balance. Our routines tend to shift during the summer months and we find ourselves eating different kinds of food, going to bed later, and generally disconnecting from the business that tends to dominate our lives during the year.

I find that coaching clients come back to coaching sessions in the fall and are looking for ways to get back into balance and create new, healthy patterns for themselves.

As we fall into the new season before us, I would like to suggest that integrating a mindfulness practice is one of the best foundations we have available to us to navigate these transitional times.

Consider that now is the moment of power. It is the present moment that is alive and real within us. When we race off into patterns of over-thinking about the past or what’s to come in the future, we literally disconnect from our intuitive wisdom that is available to us in the here...

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Advanced Copies Of My New Book Have Arrived


One of the highlights of last week was helping Chris unload 2500 advance copies of my new book, Making Sense of Mindfulness off of his Purolator truck into my garage. My new book is now available and ready to ship! Order your copy today!

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