Flow Life Retreat at Multiversity

For many years, I tuned into Hay House Radio each week to listen to my mentor, Dr. Wayne Dyer give advice to callers. It was one of my favourite hours of the week as I would listen to the conversations Wayne would have with each person, offering them encouragement, divine guidance, love and support. By the end of each call, I could hear that transformation and positive change had taken place.
Change & Transformation
This is one of the aspects of life that I am most passionate about; change and transformation. One thing is for certain, everything is always changing. How we choose to respond to the ever changing circumstances that life presents to us has a major affect on the quality of life that we are living. Are you a victim of circumstance or victorious in each situation you encounter? How do you go about navigating your life? Are you living towards life purpose or playing small in a place of false safety? Is life running you down or are you running life? 
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