Flow Life Retreat at Multiversity

For many years, I tuned into Hay House Radio each week to listen to my mentor, Dr. Wayne Dyer give advice to callers. It was one of my favourite hours of the week as I would listen to the conversations Wayne would have with each person, offering them encouragement, divine guidance, love and support. By the end of each call, I could hear that transformation and positive change had taken place.
Change & Transformation
This is one of the aspects of life that I am most passionate about; change and transformation. One thing is for certain, everything is always changing. How we choose to respond to the ever changing circumstances that life presents to us has a major affect on the quality of life that we are living. Are you a victim of circumstance or victorious in each situation you encounter? How do you go about navigating your life? Are you living towards life purpose or playing small in a place of false safety? Is life running you down or are you running life? 
Spirit of Transformation
In the spirit of transformation, this coming June, I am really pleased to be offering my first-ever live retreat experience in northern California. What makes this weekend retreat even more special, is that I will be co-leading it with an incredible coach and healer named Summer McStravick.
Summer McStravick
I first learned of Summer’s work when I would listen to Wayne Dyer’s show on Hay House Radio. Summer was Wayne’s co-host on the program and would field calls and offer additional support to the callers. As I became more familiar with Summer’s work, I realized that we both have a lot in common.
Flow Dreaming
Summer leads a program called Flow Dreaming. This program is all about discovering and removing the blocks that are getting in the way of living an intentionally fulfilling life. Flow Dreaming also addresses how to manifest and dream into reality what our soul is truly wanting.
In my work with Making Sense of Mindfulness, I address very similar themes including exposing your limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living your best dream and working in the present moment to create a fulfilling life of balance, creativity, and inspiration. 
About the Retreat - June 21-23, 2019
Together, Summer are offering you the opportunity to immerse yourself in a weekend retreat at one of the most beautiful retreat centres in North America.
From June 21-23, 2019 we will be offering FLOW LIFE: A Flow Dreaming and Mindfulness Weekend at 1440 Multiversity in Scottswood, California (about an hour south of San Francisco).
1440 is one of the top retreat facilities on the continent and is situated in the California redwoods. It is a chance to deeply connect with nature and take that needed space from the busy-ness of our modern world.
During the retreat weekend we will be offering a program that includes: inspiring lectures, group work, self reflection time, yoga, life music and meditation practices. This is truly going to be a weekend to nourish your soul. 
Registration is now open and is limited. I look forward to sharing in the magic of this experience with you! 

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